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5Ks Class Newsletter Term 2 2006


I have had a number of parent-teacher interviews last term which have been great. If you did not book a time and would like to arrange one, don�t hesitate to contact me. I would like to continue to develop the links that we have been working on and remind everyone that I have an open door policy in my classroom. I encourage you to become familiar with your child�s timetable which is in their diary. You are more than welcome to come into the classroom to help out. The best times are usually are in the mornings when we have literacy and numeracy blocks, but anytime would be appreciated.

If you ever have any concerns regardless of how big or small they seem, either pop in and see me, phone the office, jot a note in the diary or email me [email protected]


Depth Studies:

The Depth studies this term is " Mad Scientist.� The students will be investigating what science is, looking at famous scientist and area of studies in science. The students will find ways to grasp the nature of the scientific process, the scientific approach to exploration and investigation, experimenting and the testing ideas and the nature of science. They will plan and implement a science expo, which involves a variety of science experiments on displays.




We will continue to explore the areas of Number, Patterns and Algebra, Measurement, Chance and Data and Space. This will be done using concrete materials, complementing small group and whole class activities. Where ever possible these activities will be related to real life examples, to give meaning to the students.



This term the students will be analysing and constructing explanations and continuing to investigate scientific reports. Both of these genres are linked closely with the Depth studies.


A whole class approach with a literacy focus and the class will be divided into four literacy groups which will complete a range of different task each day.


The speaking & listening program this term will focus on presenting the explanation the students will be writing. The explanation will explain their science experiment and how their experiment works and what areas of science it evolved from.





Student will have a close look into the Microsoft Words and Microsoft publisher program. In which the students will be able to use a range of basic tool to manipulate their work on the computer. They will also be able to look at a range of tools to format pictures and words. They will use these skills to create a brochure to advertise their science experiments and also to create class newsletter.



Homework will continue as in term 1. It is important that parents check their child�s diary each night and sign if there are notices. The students will also require learning their spelling words and completing homework sheets. There will be extra sheets given, if you do not want your child to do this. Please write a note in their diary to notify me. If there are ever any concerns with the homework, just make a note in the diary. If your child is unsure of a question have them see me before school so I can answer any queries.


Equipment Check:

Can you please ask your child if they require any more stationery for this term?  It is very important that all students are required to bring their broad brimmed hats to school daily. The school policy is �No hat, No Play.� It is also important that students must wear shoes when they have Life Pathway. Parents please encourage your child to be organised this term.







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